Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring has sprung!

...Which we not so affectionately refer to as "duck rape season." Nothing like running around the pond by our house and seeing one poor female mallard trying to escape the unwelcome advances of two or three male mallards. Horn dogs. There was also one mama duck yesterday with about 17 brand spanking new ducklings. Today I saw her (or a different one, not sure) with about half that. We witnessed the mama mallard yesterday attacking and nearly drowning one of the ducklings, but my husband is trying to make me feel better by saying that I probably just didn't see the missing 8 or 9 ducklings. I wanted to rescue the one yesterday but he took shelter in the tall grass by our nesting swan, and there was no way we could have gotten close enough to grab the duckling. Plus with our being pilots, we would've just had to find an animal shelter to take him in. Still makes me sad!!

Anyways, to my run. Haven't run in about a week (sad face) but at least it seems the shin splints have completely cleared!! I decided to restart my half marathon training plan today. That way I can increase my mileage gradually and not be in a rush to get ready for the BIH half in September. I'm also hoping to try the Glass Slipper Challenge in February, which requires you to run the new Enchanted 10K at Disney the day before the Princess Half Marathon. If I have any hope of doing this I need to be regularly running 15 or 16 mile long runs. Additionally, it'll help me figure out if I'll ever be able to run a marathon. I have the itch.

Disney next week!! I love Disney runs.

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