Thursday, February 20, 2014

Abuse therapy and race prep

My inattention to my weak right hip is really coming back with a vengeance. Tonight I had an hour session with my stretch therapist, Brad. I was nearly in tears when he was working on my adductor and illiopsoas. Groan. Hopefully I'll be a little less out of whack tomorrow and this weekend. Plenty of pigeon pose in my future!

I'm finally packed for my trip to Tampa; if I don't get called I'm off reserve at 11am tomorrow (crossing fingers) and trying to get on a noon flight to Tampa. Then it's off to the Gasparilla race expo with Mom and David, who I'm hoping are both walking the 5K with me on Saturday! It would be so cool for them to both have race Ts and medals.

I finally sat down and wrote up a generic packing list for races, since I seem to travel for them so much. Of course the next 3 races I'm scheduled for are local. This will be a nice break.

David's currently at jetBlue U for his first recurrent; he's in the box tonight for his checkride until 3am. I know he's going to do amazing. I'm back on reserve Wednesday and while there's a nice 3 day trip with a wonderful MYR overnight in it, I'm hoping I don't get assigned as David will be home Wednesday/Thursday. It's been a really rough month. That the more time we spend together, the harder it is to be apart. We should be used to being on our own, as it's been 6 years since I started at Spirit, but it's honestly more difficult. Being married has made us even more attached to each other. I love him more every day and I know he feels the same way about me. But it's been a challenge since he's started at jetBlue, and worse since I chose to become a captain and lost most of the control I had over my schedule. Add Part 117 making schedules more troublesome and it's been a long winter so far. We're doing fine, it's just that neither one of us have any "B" plan. Well, David does. And we've always promised that we'd rather quit our jobs than endanger our marriage. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Oh...all this thinking about what to do that's not flying the line just makes me stressed out. Oy.

More about the race this weekend.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Let's try this yet again...

I suppose I will yet again attempt to blog.

My problem continues to be the realization that no one really wants to read what I do workout or work-wise, and that's okay with me. I don't really read a lot of other blogs, to be honest. What I want to do is keep a journal, and I type much faster than I write. I would prefer, actually, to not have folks reading this. A lot is probably embarrassing. I'm not into giving advice. It's probably going to be boring. But I always seem to regret not keeping a journal, so here we go.

This weekend is the Gasparilla Distance Classic. I first ran Gasparilla when I was in middle school, with my bestie Amy. I remember having so much fun! This was before medals were a thing so I'm not even sure I have the tshirt laying around. That was the 5K in probably 1996 or 1997. Then in 2012 I ran the 8K (named the 5+3K after the sponsor, 5/3 bank of whatever they're called - it took me 2 years to figure that out). It's such a gorgeous course I couldn't wait to run more races.

Unfortunately last year Gasparilla ended up being on the same weekend as the Princess 1/2 marathon! However after the absolute craziness of the Princess I decided that I'd much rather run my hometown race. Sleep in my own bed? Not have to pack food? What the what?!?

My training was going so well in late fall (after being woefully under prepared for both the Bird-in-Hand 1/2 and the Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 I was SUPER motivated to not suck for this race) that I registered for one of the three challenges. Honestly I can't even remember the name - all the challenges are named after beer (yep, sounds like Tampa!). This Saturday I run the 15K followed by the 5K and on Sunday the 1/2. I had originally started training via the Dumbo Dare schedule but quickly fell behind on mileage. The winter has been absolutely horrible. I didn't know that running too fast on the treadmill is Bad For You and ended up aggravating a hip flexor that I pulled slipping on ice (ironically enough while heading into the gym). Being Mikel, The One Who Never Rests Injuries, I continued to run on it until I was limping every day. Sigh. So I haven't run in a month. Instead I've been hitting the elliptical as well as weight training and swimming.

Cardio-wise I feel prepared. Running-wise? Well, let's hope there's enough KT tape to go around. I slipped on ice AGAIN yesterday so my hip twinges a bit today. I'll hit up stretch therapy Thursday afternoon and continue to practice yoga and foam roll like a crazy person.

And that, my friends, is a huge slacker.

After Gasparilla it's on like Donkey Kong. I keep reminding myself that running is a lifelong journey. I do not need to Run All the Races this year. I've banned myself from signing up for anything more than a 10K until Bird-in-Hand in September. I need to be able to ramp my mileage up safely to get ready for marathon training June 1st. And then I have to pray that work will cooperate enough that I can train effectively. At least I'm learning that the elliptical is just find for short run/cross training days. And once the hip flexor heals up at last, I can return to the treadmill - but only for running slow. Like, turtle slow. 5 mph slow. 

That's enough for tonight, I think.

Today's workout:
Elliptical - 40 mins
Swimming - 30 mins, 1000m